Monday, November 14, 2005

So you think you can hold the world up by a string...

I am still young right? I have been talking to few people lately about what they are doing and have already done with their lives, and through these conversations, I have been forced to reflect on my life up to this point. This pondering has led me to believe that I am seriously behind. What have I accomplished? I am trying to think of a list, but at this point, it is really short. I should be in graduate school by now, but I am still in the "eternal junior" phase. Heck, I just officially declared my major last Thursday. I have known what it would be for about a year, I just had not made the effort to go to the department and fill out the dinky little paper. This feeling is not only with school. There are so many other aspects of life that I have yet to even venture into. Luckily, this weekend, I came up with a three year plan. I think it is a very good plan, and I will not stand for any deviation from it. I guess you could say that my world will be held up by a string. A very thin string that will break if anyone tries to shake things up.


Blogger frogkisser said...

Did I ever leave time for that before?

11/15/2005 4:08 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Wow, Paige, I know where you're coming from completely on that one... I have been blessed/cursed with some obscenely over-achieving friends and family.

My one suggestion would be to make that world you're holding up by a string a little bouncy. You wouldn't want it to shatter if it fell! :)

11/15/2005 6:31 PM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

Hmmmm. Maybe more of a bungee than a string? Interesting concept.

11/15/2005 7:50 PM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

You people need to stop commenting on past entries!!! I get too confused. My little brain can't handle it:(.

11/16/2005 8:32 AM  
Blogger Heidi said...

I'm gonna go with my man, Howie Day on the song lyric title.

About your entry, I've thought a lot about that same thing. For all intents and purposes, I should be finished or nearly finished with my masters by now but I'm just finishing up my associates. However, I have had a lot of experiences and done a lot of things that have nothing to do with the way some people measure success. And that's ok. Who says you have to be done with certain things by a certain time? I've had a lot of opportunities that if I was in a different place (like away at college) at the time I would have missed out on. Things that were really important to me and have helped to make me who I am. There's nothing wrong with deviations from plans we make. sometimes we're meant to start on a specific course, only to find out we've ended up somewhere comepletely different from where we thought we would be. That's perfectly fine. It's all part of a grand adventure. The best part is the journey, not the destination.

11/16/2005 2:31 PM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

Wow. Thanks for that Bliss. That helps a little:)

11/16/2005 2:34 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

I think we often get a distorted sense of what is meaningful or important in life. I mean travel is great and all but no one needs to see Europe. Owning your own company and retiring would be nice, but so what. Honestly I don't think there is so much value in completing these sorts of things. They're novelty items to bring up in conversation. Real progress in life is character progress and a big part of that comes through thinking about your life and how you want to make it better. Sounds like you’ve been on the right track all along to me.

11/16/2005 5:29 PM  
Blogger Clark said...

I agree with brekkjern with the right track all along comment except I think you need to follow allen's advice and go with that smoochin' thing. Not that I want to overthrow the VL president or :)
(I will be president!)

11/17/2005 8:17 AM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

Wow. Look at all the words of wisdom that I am getting!:)
I sense a mutiny brewing. You will never overthrow me Clark!

11/17/2005 8:29 AM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

That is soooo gross. You need to stop that. I am working on it okay. You need to just give me time!

11/17/2005 1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11/18/2005 3:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so young! If you aren't, what I am... Dude. Just be who you are. Who cares if you haven't gone through a imaginary checklist. How boring if everyone had the same accomplishments.

11/24/2005 1:04 PM  
Blogger Something McSomethingkins said...

I'm assuming the deleted post was by Allen, and I'm wondering what was so bad it had to be taken off by the blog administrator.

12/10/2005 9:31 PM  

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