Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Blister In The Sun

Blast! I totally just wrote a whole post, and my internet shut down. Stupid computer. I guess I will try and recreate the magical feeling that was there in my last attempt, but I fear that I will fail miserably.
School is out! Wahoo! I have actually been done for a couple days, but I haven't really felt like it til today. I usually have class Tuesday nights, but as I previously stated, I am done for the semester, so I decided to do something else. I went to the mall. I hadn't even really started on my Christmas shopping, so I figured that I had better get a few things, so I thought I would just run in. Yeah right. I was there for over two hours. And, I bought more stuff for me than for others (refer to my post on being the most selfish person in the world!) This was not so good because I am poor, but today kinda sucked. Shopping is a form of therapy for me, and it is cheaper than other forms, so I justify it. So there. I found out today that two of my favorite co-workers are leaving and I needed a little picker-upper. Thanks Goddess for coming with me! I had a lot of fun, and my spirits are lifted, which is exactly what therapy is there for!


Blogger Heidi said...

I did a lot of shopping for me (and others) yesterday too. I should have gone with you. Remember how much fun we used to have shopping? I was there forever too. (See my latest post.)

12/14/2005 12:21 PM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

It is a song you silly! We do need to go shopping again, bliss. You are a little bit of a bad influence though....

12/14/2005 12:38 PM  
Blogger Domestic Goddess said...

You are welcome. We should do that more often it was fun, even though i didn't get anything purchased. And that would be the Violent Femmes

12/14/2005 3:41 PM  
Blogger Something McSomethingkins said...

Blast, I was surpassed yet again. You need to give me the insider's scoop on when you're going to post something, because I knew that one immediately.

12/14/2005 4:50 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

I love the word blast. Oh geez, it makes me snortle. Your mom knew that one immediately. "I regretted that decision almost immediately." Remember that, McSomethingkins? Way stinkin' funny.

12/14/2005 4:58 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

I'll kiss your frog.

12/14/2005 10:21 PM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

Sometimes I seriously wonder about my choice of friends.

12/15/2005 8:49 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

That was hurtful...and unnecessary.

12/15/2005 11:09 PM  
Blogger Something McSomethingkins said...

I don't have a frog. And I really did regret that decision. Just be happy we give you the choice to have us as friends frogkisser. That sounds menacing, but alas, it's just your name. That was hurtful and unnecessary. I love you you know.

12/16/2005 4:39 AM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

I have a Hershey bar.
You're the devil!

12/16/2005 10:23 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

You're surrounded by a lot of positive support.

12/17/2005 1:00 PM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

When he hit puberty, his face esploded.

12/17/2005 3:12 PM  
Blogger Tickled Pink said...

You're conceited

12/17/2005 3:43 PM  
Blogger Something McSomethingkins said...

I know. My mother thinks they're very necessary.

12/18/2005 3:28 AM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

No kidding. I should delete that.

12/21/2005 12:10 PM  
Blogger Something McSomethingkins said...

Allen's comment or Mr. Mark Ammons? Who is Mark Ammons?

12/21/2005 4:10 PM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

Mr. Mark Ammons. It was an advertisment. I deleted it:)

12/21/2005 9:53 PM  

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