Music Snob part Deux
"Green Day: The Band That Saved Rock and Roll." This was a recent headline that I saw on a magazine. I think it was Entertainment Weekly. If I didn't already have qualms about this band, I would have after that. Of all the rock bands out there, they picked Green Day? What does that say about our society? I admit that I don't always change the station when they come on the radio. Such was the case today. Their new song (Holiday?) was on. I was listening to the words towards the end when they were totally bashing on President Bush. I think some people take the first amendment a little too far, but that is a topic for another day. Anyway.... I took a moment and reflected on another of their recent songs, American Idiot. In this song, they say that us as Americans are stupid for listening and relying on the media. HELLO!!!! What are they trying to do here? What were they trying to do when they were promoting John Kerry? They (and not just Green Day) are trying to make us do exactly what we are told. To the media, we are lemmings just looking for a cliff. I refuse to be a conformist! There. I have had my rant for today. :)
Sometimes publications need a headline and tend to over exaggerate, which is definitely the case here. Green Day is a successful band but I would hardly consider them influential except for the weak-minded, so you have nothing to worry about. You are totally aware of their antics.
Completely off the subject, thanks for introducing to the blog pages. I find your postings as well as the links to others pages interesting, but it is surprizing how different everyones' views are in writing as opposed to speaking to them in person. Everyone takes on a completely new persona. Kind of neat, but other unmentioned pages are down right shocking! Made a boring evening fun!
I agree. Green Day did NOT save rock and roll. What the crap?
If they wanted to pick a band that saved rock and roll why did they choose greenday? That makes absolutely no sense. I would have chose pearl jam, but that is just me, most people probably wouldn't agree, cause you know they aren't really doing to much right now, but i still love them(even though they too are bush haters, usually they vote for nader, so no big deal).
As for the crazy political brainwashing that many bands try to use on all of us, i proud to say that i think it is a bunch of crap and they need to stop. If people are really dumb enough to not know how to form their own opinions on any political idea or canidate without the help of someone famous that is just sad. Honestly people should just do a little reasearch themselves this country would be a whole lot better off.
That is so true venus!:) I don't know which band I would say "saved rock and roll", but it would not be Green Day! I wouldn't argue if it was "saved punk rock" even though I don't think that is very accurate. But, come on!
Saved rock and roll from WHAT, exactly? A sea of cookie cutter bands that all sound the same? Nope, in fact, I'm pretty sure they spawned a few of those. How about saving it from an invading alien army? Nah, I'm pretty sure they didn't do that either.
If the article was implying that they saved rock and roll from the computer generated 'good bands' who really stink when you hear them live, I think I might see their point... I hear Green Day is pretty good live (it's good if you like it). The problem is, nothing they've done, live or not, has really changed the world of rock and roll to the degree which is suggested by the word SAVED.
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