Who Needs Sleep?
Stupid, stupid stupid (picture me hitting my head against the wall). Why did I think I could work another job on top of the one that I already have as well as attending school? I must have had a severe lapse of judgement when I accepted this position.
I have decided that I am way too competitive. I always have to win. This is bad. It gets me into a lot of trouble. Also involved with this is the inability to back down from a dare. Last week I was dared to drink the leftover ultimate dipping sauce from a Training Table dinner that a friend and I shared. That wasn't so bad. However, last night, I got dared to do something kinda stupid. I lit my hand on fire. This could have ended so badly! Luckily, I was working with an experienced hand-pyro. Apparently, all you have to do is spray some aerosol hairspray on your hand and light up. Just make sure you are near a sink or something similar.